发布时间:2018-03-14 19:18:51    作者:    点击:[]
姓名 黄俊 性别


出生年月 1988.09 
学历 足球竞彩app研究生 学位 博士
专业技术职务及任导师情况  教授,博士足球竞彩app研究生导师
所足彩app在一级学科名称  机械工程
所足彩app在二级学科名称  机械制造及其自动化










201704月至201812月,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,博士后足球竞彩app研究员 (Postdoctoral Researcher)
07月至201812月,加拿大CanmetENERGY足球竞彩app研究中心,足球竞彩app研究科学家(Research Scientist



Principles of Tribology (摩擦学原理, 全英文课程)

Engineering Thermodynamics (热工学, 全英文课程)



  1. 功能表面的制备及摩擦润滑机理足球竞彩app研究

  2. 软物质增材制造技术与应用

  3. 表面界面力学

  4. 水下粘结材料开发与粘结机理的足球竞彩app研究



2020-2024 山东省重大基础足球竞彩app研究项目,子课题负责人,主持

2020-2022 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,主持

2019-2021 足彩app高等医学院开放基金 ,主持

2018-2023 足彩app齐鲁青年学者启动基金,主持


2017-2018 石油管道割缝衬管的表面性质和油砂提取过程中的界面作用机理足球竞彩app研究 ,参与

2017-2018 重油漏油事故中的沾污行为与回收足球竞彩app研究,参与

2014-2016 原油覆盖的微细固体颗粒足彩app在有机溶剂中行为足球竞彩app研究 , 参与

2012-2015 原油提取与废料处理中的界面现象与相互作用足球竞彩app研究,参与



代表性论文 *为共同作者,#为通讯作者

  1. Y Yan, S Xu, H Liu, X Cui, J Shao, P Yao, J Huang,# X Qiu,# C Huang, A Multi-Functional Reversible Hydrogel Adhesive, Colloids Surf A, 2020, 593, 124622.

  2. W  Zou, Z Fang, J Huang,# Zhijun Zhang,# Effect of Salinity on Adsorption of Sodium Hexametaphosphate and Hydrophobically-modified Polyacrylamide Flocculant on Kaolinite Al-OH Surface, Colloids Surf A, 2020, 585, 124055.

  3. J Huang, Y Yan, Lei X, H Liu, C Huang, Q Lu, X Qiu,# H Zeng,# Probing the Self-Assembly and Nonlinear Friction Behavior of Confined Gold Nano-Particles, Langmuir, 2019, 35, 15701-15709.

  4. J Huang, S Stoyanov,# H Zeng,#  A Comparison Study on Adsorption and Interaction Behaviors of Diluted Bitumen and Conventional Crude Oil on Model Mineral Surface, Fuel, 2019, 253, 383-391.

  5.  J Huang,* X Qiu,* L Xie, G Jay, T Schmidt, H Zeng,# Probing the Molecular Interactions and Lubrication Mechanisms of Purified Full-length Recombinant Human Proteoglycan 4 (rhPRG4) and Hyaluronic Acid (HA) on Mica SurfacesBiomacromolecules, 2019, 20, 1056-1067.

  6. J Huang, X Qiu, B Yan, L Xie, J Yang, H Xu, Y Deng, L Chen, X Wang, H Zeng,# Robust Polymer Nanofilms with Bioengineering and Environmental Applications via Facile and Highly Efficient Covalent Layer-by-Layer Assembly, J Mater Chem B, 2018, 6, 22, 3742-3750

  7. B Yan,* J Huang,* L Han, L Gong, L Li, JN Israelachvili, H Zeng,# Duplicating Dynamic Strain-Stiffening Behavior and Nanomechanics of Biological Tissues in A Synthetic Self-Healing Flexible Network Hydrogel ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 11074.

  8. S Kim,* HY Yoo,* J Huang,* Y Lee, S Park, Y. Park, S Jin, Y Jung, H. Zeng, # D Hwang, # Y Jho, # Salt Triggers the Simple Coacervation of an Underwater Adhesive When Cations Meet Aromatic π Electrons in Seawater, ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 6764.

  9. J Huang, X Liu, X Qiu, L Xie, B Yan, X Wang, Q Huang, H Zeng,#  Octadecyltrichlorosilane Deposition on Mica Surfaces: Insights into the Interface Interaction Mechanism, J Phys Chem B, 2017, 121, 3151.

  10. S Kim,* J Huang,* Y Lee, S Dutta, HY Yoo, YM Jung, YS Jho, H Zeng,# D Hwang, # Complexation and Coacervation of Like-Charged Polyelectrolytes Inspired by Mussels, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2016, 113, E847.

  11. C Lim,* J Huang,* S Kim, H Lee, # H Zeng, # D Hwang,#  Nanomechanics of Poly (catecholamine) Coatings in Aqueous Solutions, Angew Chem Int Ed , 2016, 55, 3342.

  12. HY Yoo,* J Huang,* L Li, M Foo, H Zeng, # D Hwang,# Nanomechanical Contribution of Collagen and von Willebrand Factor A in Marine Underwater Adhesion and Its Implication for Collagen Manipulation, Biomacromolecules, 2016, 17, 946.

  13. H Zeng, J Huang, Y Tian, L Li, M Tirrell, J Israelachvili,# Adhesion and Detachment Mechanisms between Polymer and Solid Substrate Surfaces: Using Polystyrene–Mica as a Model System, Macromolecules, 2016, 49, 5223.

  14. HY Yoo, M Iordachescu, J Huang, E Hennebert, S Kim, S Rho, M Foo, P Flammang, H Zeng, D Hwang, JH Waite, DS Hwang, # Sugary Interfaces Mitigate Contact Damage Where Stiff Meets Soft, Nat Commun, 2016, 7, 11923.

  15. J Huang, B Yan, A Faghihnejad, H Xu, H Zeng, # Understanding Nanorheology and Surface Forces of Confined Thin Films, Korea-Aust Rheol J, 2014, 26, 3.

  16. J Huang, L Zhu,# L Hu, S Liu, J Zhang, H Zhang, X Yang, L Sun, D Li, Z Ye, Island Nucleation, Optical and Ferromagnetic Properties of Vertically Aligned Secondary Growth ZnO: Cu Nanorod Arrays, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 1627.

  17. J Huang, L Hu, H Zhang, J Zhang, X Yang, D Li, L Zhu, # Z Ye, A Facile Method for the Synthesis of Tapered ZnO: Cu Nanorod Arrays and Its Secondary Growth, J Cryst Growth. 2012, 351, 93.



  1. Ali Faghihnejad, Jun Huang, Hongbo Zeng. Characterization, Physico-(Bio)Chemical Properties, and Applications of Bioconjugates, in Chemistry of Bioconjugates: Synthesis, Characterization, and Biomedical Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 317-329, 2014. (ISBN: 978-1-118-35914-3)

  2. Hongbo Zeng, Qingye Lu, Bin Yan, Jun Huang, Lin Li, Zhi Liao. Mussel adhesives, in Bioadhesion and Biomimetics: From Nature to Applications, Pan Stanford Publishing, 45-80, 2014. (ISBN 978-981-4463-98-0)


  1. J Huang, X Qiu, B Yan, L Xie, Zeng, H,. Multifunctional Polymeric Films Prepared by A Fast Facile and Covalently Bonded Layer-by-Layer Deposition Process; 67th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference 2017.

  2. J Huang, B Yan, L Xie, L Xiang, Zeng, H,. Probing the Molecular Surface Interaction of Polystyrene end grafted Mica Surfaces; 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference 2015.

J Huang, B Yan, H Zeng; Understanding the Self-assembly Behaviors and Surface Interactions of Octadecyltrichlorosilane on Mica by Vapor Deposition. 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, 2015



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